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Outrage & Action - Resources

As a school community founded on racial justice and equity, we denounce the inhumane and racist treatment of Black lives displayed across the United States. We say the names of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor – and the countless innocent Black lives that have been senselessly murdered. We mourn these tragic losses, and are called to action to do better.

Anti-racist Resources for Families:

  1. The Conscious Kid - nonprofit organization on parenting and education through a Critical Race Lens

  2. Center for Racial Justice in Education - resources for talking about race, racism, and racialized violence with kids

  3. Rethinking Schools - nonprofit publisher dedicated to strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism

  4. Little Justice Leaders - monthly box to teach kids about social justice (geared toward younger children)

  5. Resources for Talking about Race, Racism, and Racialized Violence with Kids

  6. 100 Race Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice

  7. Raising Race Conscious Children

“Adults often think they should avoid talking with young children about race or racism because doing so would cause them to notice race or make them racist. In fact, when adults are silent about race or use ‘colorblind’ rhetoric, they actually reinforce racial prejudice in children. Starting at a very young age, children see patterns — who seems to live where; what kinds of homes they see as they ride or walk through different neighborhoods; who is the most desirable character in the movies they watch; who seems to have particular jobs or roles at the doctor's office, at school, at the grocery store; and so on — and try to assign "rules" to explain what they see. Adults' silence about these patterns and the structural racism that causes them, combined with the false but ubiquitous "American Dream" narrative that everyone can achieve anything that they want through hard work, results in children concluding that the patterns they see ‘must have been caused by meaningful inherent differences between groups.’ In other words, young children infer that the racial inequities they see are natural and justified. So despite good intentions, when we fail to talk openly with our children about racial inequity in our society, we are in fact contributing to the development of their racial biases, which studies show are already in place.” (Dr. Erin Winkler, 2017)

Art created by BKI Student, Romeo


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