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Our Program

Learning should never be stagnant.


Middle school is a crucial stage in a child’s academic and social development, instilling habits for success in the future and an abiding love of learning. Brooklyn Independent’s progressive education model moves beyond high academic rigor with experiential, project based study, which sharpens each student’s skills while engaging their curiosity, creativity and humanity. 


We believe our role as educators is to help each student realize their full potential, expanding their mind, opening their heart, and finding their voice.

Our Values



Joyful learning experiences that prioritize exploration, creativity and teamwork.


  • Humanities instruction with a focus on Socratic Seminar and end-of-unit collaborative projects

  • Exploratory Math culminating in Algebra by 8th grade

  • Science Lab focusing on independent research and inquiry

  • Language offerings: Spanish, Latin, and French

  • Voxel Academy Residency: Coding, 3D printing, and engineering




Moving beyond rigor includes field learning, extensive elective offerings and meaningful life skills.


  • 20 elective offerings including: Rock Band, Theater, Photography, Step, Graphic Design, Coding, Art, Creative Writing, Musical Performance, Chorus

  • Monthly off campus Friday Field Learning experiences visiting NYC cultural and historical centers  

  • Afterschool programming including: STEM Lab, Athletics, Robotics, Ceramics

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Understanding the interconnectedness of what happens inside and outside the school and fostering conversation on issues of inequity and social justice


  • Partnership with Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility and weekly advisory restorative justice circles

  • Weekly Community Meeting block focused on identity, diversity, justice, and action

  • Student Government

  • Community service opportunities

  • Student-led advocacy and interest-based clubs  

Program Overview

Program Overview

Schedule Snapshot

BKI Sample Schedule 23-24.png
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